Anderson Orchard News

General News

  • 07/03 - Open for the Season
  • 07/03 - Summer Hours: 8-6, 7 days a week
  • 09/28 - Apple Festival & Craft Fair
  • 09/29 - Apple Festival & Craft Fair
  • 10/20 - Orchard Dash

Apple Availability

  • Earligold (Perfect for Apple Sauce)
  • Red Free
  • Ginger Gold

Produce Availability

  • Green Beans, Potatoes, & Onions
  • Cucumbers, Zucchini, Cabbage, pickles
  • South Carolina RED GLOBE (free-stone and yellow flesh)
  • Blueberries & Blackberries
  • Sweet Corn
  • Tomatoes: Red, Yellow, and Green
  • INDIANA Cantaloupe & Watermelon
  • Green Bell Peppers, Hot Banana, Sweet Banana, JalapeƱos
  • Anderson Orchard Yellow NECTARINES & Peaches (a few)
  • Home-grown Sugar Pears